Comments on: Are you sure you’re sure there’s nothing to an amp? Tue, 24 Jul 2018 01:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mohamed Sun, 31 Jan 2016 18:43:44 +0000 I have all unit and speaker for this model

By: Marantz in the pants Mon, 18 Jan 2016 18:29:53 +0000 Came across your other post on the Marantz 6100 turntable after buying one myself. Your post was spooky because my TT had EXACTLY the same problems – right channel dead, speed too low. Reading your post helped a lot. I turned out not to need the extra girth on the motor shaft, just a new belt and some lubrication. And the electrical fault was in the output wiring. I have an old Shure cartridge in it and, through my Marantz 2238 receiver, it sounds very sweet. I appreciate your posts.

By: Frank Furtive Sat, 15 Nov 2014 19:41:12 +0000 Same amp on CL for 175.00 Overpriced? I’m leaning towards taking my 1973 Kenwood 8004 Amp to the shop to diagnose flaky
channel. Sounds like a POT but who knows. 60/Channel and unlike most units can drive 3 sets of speakers hard without shutting
down. Took it to a MacIntosh Clinic when new and the insignificant distortion specs were equal to Mac. 60 was conservative rating according the graph. $285 for the Kenwood in 1973, adjusted for inflation, is $1,400. Seem to recall Sugg Retail back then was around $400.

(never realized amps can shut down until hooking up useless Pioneer SX-880 toy receiver. It konks out at minimal demand levels driving Bose and/or JBL speakers.

By: bimo Wed, 25 Jun 2014 13:28:09 +0000 good good good :)

By: themanthatwasused Wed, 27 Nov 2013 23:39:25 +0000 stumbled upon your blog.
I have the same amp that you have, I am currently struggling to connect my passive speaker ( a pioneer cs 77) and I am finding hard to connect them together. How did you connect yours.

By: Murat Sahan Tue, 19 Nov 2013 22:52:40 +0000 Hi! Wonderful nostaligia :) The PM 750 was my first integrated amp that I bought as a teenager. Had a pair of huge gooodman speakers with it. Always loved the Marantz sound but as someone writes, the 750 did have som high noise levels. Eventually I did replace it with an PM 84 MkII, now that was something in its own class.

Good Luck with your 750!

By: Microcosmologist Mon, 05 Nov 2012 05:48:32 +0000 Well, I do stand by the philosophy that dollar for dollar, nothing else gives you more for your money than good speakers do. Building any setup from scratch, I’d definitely assign most cash toward speakers. But yes, as I grow older, some new things have gotten through this thick skull of mine! The proof has been in the pudding here with this Marantz, and going forward, I intend to pay much closer attention to amp choice…

By: William Stevenson Fri, 26 Oct 2012 17:34:31 +0000 I’m amazed that someone with the technical know how to build speakers would give short shift to the rest of the music chain. Garbage in garbage out–your signal source onward will all affect the sound quality. In my experience the preamp has the most influence, the amp next (both contained in your Marantz) and the signal source after that–most inexpensive cd players are closer in sound quality than the variability you encounter in preamps. It’s neat you’re discovering this–for very modest additional investments there is a ton of great used gear which always surfaces on Craigslist.

By: Mike Graham Sat, 13 Oct 2012 01:58:56 +0000 Thanks for taking the time do a writeup on this. I scored the same amp this afternoon for 84$ tax in, and I am sitting here in awe. my speakers are by no means true audiophile gear, ( fisher stv9705 1oo watts, and pioneer CS-G405’s) . Its still just blowing my mind. I cant seem to find much on the web about it though!!

By: Nicolai Wed, 25 Apr 2012 11:08:21 +0000 I realized this a couple of years ago myself!
Today, I also own the PM750DC, and I must admit that I love it! :)

It does have a high noise floor, but that’s not something I can’t live with, cause in return it gives a great sound.
Nice to see that someone else happily owns this amp ;)
