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  • You ate what?

    2011 - 07.15

    Proudly presenting, for the berry connoisseur who has tried them all: tayberries.

    Wait, what?

    Yes, that’s right,

    They’re very similar to raspberries, with a few subtle but important differences:

    -they’re not hollow inside.

    -the shape is a bit longer and skinnier

    -the flavor is similar to a raspberry, but more tart or sour maybe (but not in a bad way), and also a bit stronger.  Their taste is a bit more potent, although not dramatically so.

    For comparison, here is a bunch of raspberries (left) next to the tayberries (right).

    Basically it’s like a raspberry variant, which still has the seeds that get stuck in your teeth, but a bit more of an exotic twist in the taste.  I’d never once seen these in the grocery store before this weekend, and I will say that if I ever see them again, there’s a 100% chance that I’ll be buying more.  I loves me some berries, and these are a treat!  Interestingly, if you let the berries ripen in the fridge for a few days, they turn even darker and the flavor gets less piquant, also changing character a bit, with a hint of what tastes like grape in the over-ripe berry.  Wierd!

    And awesome!

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    2 Responses to “You ate what?”

    1. Sheilaa stylie says:

      The tayberries were good, but I still like raspberries better. I like the hollow part in raspberries.

      Tayberry breath!

    2. NineTenthsShavinPowda says:

      Seems like a perfect ingredient for a special pizza I know about….