There’s been a few awesome milestones lately in my world of recording. Let’s rattle em off:
1. I’ve got “”!
My YouTube channel now has enough subscribers that I could acquire a custom URL. Now all of my Electric Trumpet exploits can now be seen at the easy-to-remember address of which is pretty nifty indeed (although the embedded link here takes you right to the full videos page). I have continued to upload more content there and there shall be a steady stream to come as well so check it out both now and later.
2. The size of my musical exploits is now crossing one Terrabyte in size!!
As you can see by the hard drive properties in the screenshot at left, my recording hard drive is soon to be full. The only thing on this hard drive is audio recordings I have made! There is maybe a small bit of filler in there in terms of mp3s of songs I need to practice or other bloat like zip files of sessions to be uploaded and shared but it’s mostly jams, wavs, and things happenin. It feels so great to see this. It’s one thing to stack up a big pile of gear and spend a bunch of cash on the tools of the trade, but it feels a lot better to see the proof in the pudding so to speak, the walking of the walk in actually creating stuff. There’s a ton of people out there who spend boatloads of money on expensive hardware, be it photography or music or whatever, but I always find myself internally asking the question, “Yeah, but what have you MADE?” Here I am, earning the right to talk that trash. Hell yeah.
3. The input capacity of my setup has expanded to THIRTY!!!
I’m pretty psyched up about the fact that I’ve now acquired enough gear to extend my recording setup from 16 channels up to 30! I’m adding a sweet “The Moment Of Genesis” tag to this post for this milestone. On the face of it, it seems like 16 channels should be plenty, right? But as time has gone on I have expanded and expanded my methods of recording, and we’re now at the point that I’ve used the max of 16 channels for many consecutive sessions now, wishing that I had the capability to go higher. If that seems unlikely, let me rattle them off: 1.overhead high-hat 2. overhead ride 3. snare 4. kick 5. electric bass 6. electric guitar 7. Leslie organ horn left 8. Leslie organ horn right 9. trumpet stand mic 10. Leslie bottom (15″) 11. trumpet pedalboard left 12. trumpet pedalboard right 13. trumpet clip-on mic (blended with stand for tone) 14. lower snare mic 15. room mic left 16. room mic right… And there’s 16! First thing I’m going to add over that will be 3 tom mics so that I can high pass the overheads, cutting the bass and the snare out of my overhead track without killing the life of the toms. I have also been dreaming of adding an auxiliary percussion/conguero now and then, or having the ability to add other horn players, or a doubling of guitar or keys maybe. So this unlocks all that capability although the main thing immediately is the addition of tom mics which I hope will clean up the low and high end overall. Behold the glorious rack which will bring all that to life:
Tags: audio hardware, gadgets, home studio, little mind-blowing things, Music, progress pictures, The Moment Of Genesis, trumpet