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  • Two Site Updates:

    2011 - 02.05

    1. New blog design

    As you can see, I’ve been slaving over a hot photoshop PSD for hours and this new background is the result. It’ll probably keep evolving as I hone in on exactly what I want it to be, but I’m definitely much happier with the looks on the MC front page now. Also, I’ve improved things to look good on large displays. Small displays will suffer a bit though. I’m trying to design the site to support resolutions from 1024×768 up through 1920×1200.

    2. New music section

    In keeping with the tradition of using antiquated/analog technology, I’ve got a new music page up, with a theme of cassette tapes. Check out all those awesome tapes! The action is split up into 3 categories at the moment: live trumpet recordings, original productions (electronica), and mixsets of many genres. The 4th cassette tape is a blank one for now, but I’m hoping that later this year, when Spotify comes out for the US, I’ll fill that area full of playlists of music that I’m digging, as a way to foist recommendations.

    Although I still have a long way to go, I eventually aim to replace the flash music player situated in the navigation bar above with a custom one. When that task is done, I should be able to have any music on the site stream-able. That is the eventual goal. Thusly I have “click a cassette to listen” but the cassettes are just images instead of links… for now!

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