Recently I decided to take some glamour shots of my stereo setup in “The Lab” and post them to a vintage audio usergroup for others to oogle and discuss. Some of the elements shown here have already been written about individually so I won’t recap that (get it?) in detail here. Clicking on any image will enlarge it, then right click again on the enlarged image if you want to see if in 100% resolution. Below is a list of the components and links to more descriptive posts on these where available:
The Cast of Characters:
Speakers: Marantz HD-770
Amp: Fisher CA-2310
Turntable: Marantz 6100
Reel to Reel: Ampex 960
- Overall view of the entire setup
- closer view
- The Ampex model 960 reel to reel tape machine.
- The Fisher CA-2310
- Most imposing view I could get
- depth of field, because we can
- labels have worn off a number of things but I know what they do
- reel closeup
- dutch angle
- Marantz 6100 fitted with a Grado Green cartridge
- Marantz HD-770
- Handsome silver trim
- vertical shot, sure
- overall 2
- overall 3
Tags: ampex, analog fetishism, analog life, audio hardware, fisher, hi-fidelity, loudspeakers, marantz, reel to reel, vintage gear, vinyl