Comments on: Talking Trash About Priorities in Space Tue, 24 Jul 2018 01:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: NineTenthsShavinPowda Fri, 20 May 2011 15:47:00 +0000 Here’s my take, since I am bitter and lack empathy: The garbagemen do not matter. If you zoom out far enough, and take off the rosy colored feel good glasses, the simple truth is that MOST human life does not matter. People talk about everyone being special, worthwhile, and precious, but the reality is that a large majority of the population are just a bunch of completely irrelevant lemmings or assholes that make life shittier for everyone else (cheating, lying, stealing, etc).


Yeah. I agree. On top of that, the technologies developed through nasa trickle down to almost every part of our lives, our cellular communications, gps, google maps, velcro, etc.

One minor thing: The tang dynasty was pretty rad, peaceful, and just. That sticks out to me as one point in human history where… in that part of the world, things were pretty chill.
