Out of the many boxes filled with parts to unpack for my new model railroad, the one labeled “switches and track” was of particular importance. After unwrapping the goods from their protective newspaper bundling, I laid them all out on the fresh plywood where staging tracks are soon to be. It’s sort of strange to see my last layout condensed down into purely the specialized sections of track.
Taking an inventory of what’s here (in descending order of exotic-ness)
-one three-way turnout
-one #6 curved left hand turnout
-one #4 wye
-one short section of custom bridge track
-one #5 right hand turnout (peco)
-two #5 left hand turnouts (peco)
-three #6 left hand turnouts
-nine #6 right hand turnouts
-two rerailers (both in use)
Time to figure out how to put it all to use! :D