selective choices among low-brow tastes – Microcosmologist Mon, 17 Aug 2020 21:48:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Yet more super sweet search terms Mon, 27 Feb 2012 07:22:31 +0000 As written about previously, I enjoy checking the search terms to see what brings people to my site. A few months back google started encrypting their searches for people who are logged in (aka any who uses gmail). This had the highly annoying side effect of giving me a huge number of “encrypted_search_terms” results on my blog dashboard. LAME!! I finally got around to creating a google webmaster account and checked out what people have been searching for. Here’s an awesome and amusing list of why you’d come to Microcosmologist:

What Would Carl Sagan Do?
cosmic wonderment
old tape recorders with dust
psychedelic pony
alien obstacles for horses
desk fan with blue propellor
Leonardo Da Vinci interstella traveler
looks like we got a badass over here (w/ MANY variations… my fav is “juicy badass”)
dropout bear
deep 360 waves
planets blowing up
not cool man
find cat in junk pile
the sleep of reason brings forth monsters
biggest steak in the world
why stop now remix
if you have blue eyes what does it mean
caught in the hustle
moon butt
i love dreaming
just kick it
types of jamming
pizza flute
the eh team
inspire me
i’m a shark
hell of a good dip
when i get sad i stop being sad and be awesome instead
surround yourself with people who are going to lift you higher
all i wanna see is a sky full of lighters

 And so just like last time, you ask for something obscure and I deliver:


Also, my overall #2 top search term: Handlebar Mustache. For serious. Really, guys?!?
      also, with the bonus variations:
sexy handlebar mustache
sophisticated facial hair
moustache fashion
this mustache had its own mustache
where did the mustache craze come from?

Finding The Meaning: Why Are We All Here? Wed, 21 Sep 2011 04:44:52 +0000 aka Awesome Search Terms That Crack Me UP.

I check the stats pretty regularly on this blog and one thing that is an eternal source of fascination and amusement are the search terms that bring people around. If a website is a wide open door, it’s pretty neat to listen in on the reasons why new people came through it. I’ll divide the terms into two groups, with a few comments inserted here and there.

group one

“Kindred Spirits”:
mind blowing things to think about
vastness of the universe
infinity written out -just as futile as trying to write out a googolplex?
girls brain waves voyager -We all know who this is referring to!
how small we are compared to other things
van gogh yourself -I want to do this too!
be-positive-spelled-out-in-colorful-refrigerator-magnets -this one made me smile. And sort of bummed out a little bit that I don’t have the right picture to reward whomever came through trying to find this. Tell you what, let’s fix that right now:

and group two

“You Came Here Looking For WHAT?”:
selective choices among low-brow tastes -AWESOME. I wanna be like the bargain basement headquarters for this!  Matter of fact, new tag, starting now.
changing dimensions green man -green man? Like It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia “green man”?
99% of snapple facts are fake I hope you’re right
“space porn” -ok I get that.
disco speaker building
fuji obey -a testament to the seductive power of the X100?
message in a bottle in the sewer -I was with you until that last part
oinking a goomba -I really do AND DON’T want to know what this means. Maybe I should not be encouraging people looking for this to come here.
like raspberries but thinner and longer You ate what?
james brown seti -what a mashup! HAH!
why not to scream around cicadas -WTF, seriously.
what is this

This second group has made me laugh out loud on several occasions, while the first makes me smile in a different way.  Keep on comin’ you kooky kids!  I check the results every day and it always raises an eyebrow.  Love it!

