Oh snap.
As of today, the Photos section on the site is what I’d call “operational.” I’d been debating how to organize it for a while, and I decided to split all the pictures into categories to keep their large number digestible. For a long time I couldn’t figure out what the categories should be. I had been thinking in genres; landscapes, people, macros, etc but that just seemed too boring. Obvious.
I came up with the idea of abstract words for the categories, which is much more flexible for content, and thought-provoking as to what could fit in where. The four categories are Outer Spaces, Organics, Inner Spaces, and the Expanded Universe. Hopefully this structure works out well for future additions. I’m using flickr slideshows to display the images, which is a nice way to view them, plus if you click the title of the image, you get sent to flickr, where you can view/download the image fullsize.
The background image is a retouched picture I took of some negatives I had sitting in the closet. Also, clicking on “All of the Above” will take you to the flickr photostream, which includes everything from the 4 main rolls plus a few extra odds and ends.
In the future, I want to add more photos, put together a wallpapers pack, and add some photoshop tutorials here on the blog which I’ll link to from the photos page. All in good time…..
Tags: photography, Site Update