How many times have you bought a certain wine just because the label grabbed you? If you’re anything like me, the answer is probably uncountable. I do have certain wines that I keep coming back to, but on the whole, I like to experiment and try new things, see what’s out there.
In this spirit, there’s a new series in town, and it’s called Primo Vino Art. It’s just basically wine bottles that I think look cool. We’ll kick it off with this über-nerdy label for a California vintner called Educated Guess.
Saw it at Whole Foods and just had to try it based on the bottle alone. Happily, this was one of the more intricate and tasty bottles I’ve had lately, so I think I will be returning to it. For me, a wine has got to have subtlety and nuance to make it worth giving it a second go-round, and I have already bought my second bottle of this!
Also, I’ve been trading vintage photoshop tricks with a certain mister Ryan Allen lately, and a picture I took of this bottle got the full treatment, so it seems appropriate to post it here. For those so interested, there’s vignetting, chromatic aberration added (via ‘lens correction’), a red/green color gradient layer with low opacity (makes the colors look like a faded 80’s photo, a strong light leak coming from the upper right, and a bunch of extras applied in a PS actions file Ryan sent. In the future, there might be some photoshop tutorials dished on these subjects, but for now, enjoy the retro-goodness:
Tags: eatin', f/1.8, Microcosmologist Official Recommendations, photography, primo vino art, Site Update, vino