Here’s a collection of photos I took at the 2015 Milwaukee Road Historical Association conference in Yakima Washington. These pictures have been up on Flickr for quite some time now although it occurred to me that I never linked to them on here. This is a 120+ shot slideshow of cool railroad stuff I saw along the way, so, you know, only railroad buffs are allowed past this point…
Click on the image below to see the slideshow, then click on any image twice to see it full-size:
I’ve also got this 35 minutes of video footage I shot along the Milwaukee Road right-of-way between Easton and Cedar Falls Washington, also known as the Iron Horse/John Wayne trail which I rode on a rental bike during that visit. It sure is pretty scenery out there!
Tags: 2015 Washington MILW/RR Trip, Milwaukee Road, photography, trains, videography, videos