Comments on: Old schoolin! – The NAD 6130 Cassette Deck Tue, 24 Jul 2018 01:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Microcosmologist Thu, 21 Jul 2011 23:50:41 +0000 Hah, wheeeew, that Dragon is a lotta tape deck alright. 3000 EUROS worth! I can think of a few better uses for five large, or whatever that converts to these days… Still. Something to be said for being the top of the heap. On the same token, I’d kinda like to get an AMD Athlon FX-60, which was the fastest chip ever made for socket 939, Mr. Euclid’s SEVERELY outdated processor socket. It’d be kinda cool to be like, heh, this was teh FASTEST EVAARRRR!

By: NineTenthsShavinPowda Thu, 21 Jul 2011 15:03:54 +0000 NADs are pretty nice. Especially the name. I always wanted to find one of these, which is supposedly the pinnacle of cassette technology:

Uber-badass. I used to make all sorts of mixtapes, and I’d take the cassettes apart to paint the shells different colors, then spend 40 minutes doing the labels. Oh, and go for metal. They hold up great! :) I used to use maxwell metal tapes, I forget the exact model, but they were very “heavy”, and tended to last longer than other brands.
