Comments on: Megapixels have officially jumped the shark Tue, 24 Jul 2018 01:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Microcosmologist Thu, 08 Mar 2012 01:35:38 +0000 Yeah, the ‘glow’ effect around backlit tree branches is called chromatic aberration, and you were close; it’s not diffraction, but rather refraction that causes it. It’s a challenge to make lenses (especially zooms) that have all the different colored light rays converge on the exact same plane of focus… the R and the V in “ROY G BIV” would be the main culprits. All lenses have it to a certain extent, but cheap ones will definitely have more. Store up that term in the brain… Chromatic Aberration… calling that one out on a photo will definitely make you look cool ;)

Also, e-penises. Hahahahahahaha

By: NineTenthsShavinPowda Fri, 02 Mar 2012 03:32:34 +0000 It’s been this way.. since… ever. I remember getting superior photos on a 3MP camera with a large lens, than some supposedly “superior” camera with 6MP, or even 8. I understand basic photography, but more importantly I understand common sense.. and to me… MP just equal “resolution” of the sensor. Now.. if you smash that sensor into a small area, it’s still only picking up the same number of pixels.. but at that point the lens is just THAT much more important, because ANY imperfection in the lense would equate to greater errors. Have an identical “rez” sensor, that is larger, with a larger lense, and suddenly the pathway of the light is “straighter” and imperfections matter less.

One thing where I used to find this noticeable all the time was the difference between a POS and an SLR, in terms of trees and the sky. With a POS, there’d be this hazy, light blue stroke on the edge of any tree branches, if it was in front of the sky. I believe this has something to do with diffraction (I dunno), but this was MUCH less apparent on most SLRs or cameras with larger lenses.

Unfortunately.. you are on the losing battle here. Marketing douchebags and idiot business majors control this world.. and they will compare the photographic version of their e-penises til they’re blue in the face, because ultimately the average consumer doesn’t really care how things work, why things work, or have the slightest inkling on trying to understand anything.
