The Piñata apple was one I’d never tried until now and I’m not sure if I’d get it again. From the exterior, things looked good: large size but not overly giant, nice red color, and a sturdy stem up top. Taking a bite, the inside is a light yellow(not white), and the texture is crunchy as can be. It’s a bit too crunchy on the inside for my taste. The flavor is certainly more on the tart side than the sweet side, although it is not completely devoid of sweetness. It was available as an organic, and based on the looks, I got 5 of them, for my weekday lunch. I think my standby of Gala might have been a better choice, but I’ll keep eating these and give them a chance.
Update: as the week went on, I did get one that was sweeter. It did redeem the Piñata slightly, although I think the majority of these are probably more on the tart side. All in all, I’d say they are a decent apple, but there are much better ones for my taste.
tartness: 8
sweetness: 4
juicyness: 4
crunchy inside: 9.5
crisp shell: 8
I took this picture with my new 50mm Canon f/1.8, with a setting of 1/4th sec. f/11 @ ISO 100. Tripod mounted in the kitchen. Tweaked white balance with Curves in Photoshop. Only minor selective color. Didn’t need much adjustment.
Tags: eatin', f/1.8, photography