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  • Impulse 61, earning its tour of duty stripes

    2012 - 04.01

    A little painter’s tape, a silver paint pen, and some imagination…

    Had my buddy DJ Don Solo visiting from Chicago for a little under a week, and we spent a lot of quality time on the Impulse 61 jamming out ideas and creating new electronic compositions.  Also, a round of light-up frisbee at 3:30am around the neighborhood.  Hopefully we didn’t wake too many neighbors!  With the impending move, it may not have been the ‘practical’ decision to devote a whole week to music, but hey, chances for collaboration with familiar allies are few and far between.  An EP should be coming out of these sessions, if not a full album.  Release date is still far off though; I’ve got boxes to transport and he won’t return to his Chicago workstation for a few months yet.  To be continued…

    In related news, I learned that labeling knobs on your keyboard makes you feel really cool.  Also, the Novation Automap settings are really annoying!  For the sake of anyone with a similar issue: we had this problem where the knobs and sliders would somehow be occupying the exact same midi channels.  ie when you move a knob, it also moves the slider, altering whatever that slider happened to be assigned to.  We defeated this issue by leaving the  “Reason” template and creating our own custom one, where we reassigned all sliders and knobs to “cc” with their own individual midi channels.  This cleared up every knob and slider for use!  I also got my feet wet with Ableton Live (Lite) 8, which is a killer piece of software that came with these keys.  Fun, fun stuff.

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