Comments on: Games I Like: Deus Ex Human Revolution Tue, 24 Jul 2018 01:19:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nine Tenths of Shavin Powda Sun, 11 Mar 2012 18:56:38 +0000 I just beat this last night, so I feel compelled to write something. The original Deus Ex, which came out in 2000, blew me away. To me, it was the “All time best game ever” because it shattered so many expectations and limitations of every game I had played previously. Need to get an access code? Oh, you could talk to that homeless guy, he might tell you about the secret entrance behind the vending machine. Course, if you say the wrong thing he might attack you. Need to deal with a problem gang in the subway? Sweet talk them into giving you what you want, blast open the door guns blazing, or take them down one by one stealth ninja assassin stylie. This complete freedom in the ways in which you do things was even present in larger issues; you had to get to the roof of a building… would you hack the turrets/bots, sneak through a confined area filled with natural hazards, pick locks, or run and gun? The augmentations just enhanced your ability to choose how you wanted to play the game. On top of that, I think the ability to read emails/books/random stuff really helped the immersion, as it filled in the world without having to actually see it modeled and rendered. The literary references, the illuminati, the templars, and even the freakin ALiENS showed up in this game, and the ending was equally spectacular. I remember calling from the other room, “Hey Kristin… if you had a choice between creating another dark age, merging with an AI and realizing singularity, or join the illumunati?” Fucking awesome.
So, seeing as how I’ve been eagerly awaiting this game for about a DECADE… I’m happy to say I bought it about a month ago and beat it last night. Further review coming tonight.

By: Luke Fri, 17 Feb 2012 00:01:37 +0000 I remember the original taking me complete surprise. The ability to upgrade yourself? Yeah, that was new and righteous. I felt smarter playing Deus Ex than Half-Life because of options iike that, heh heh.
