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  • Archive for July, 2017

    Music and the MathMagic connection

    2017 - 07.20

    Okay so on a whim I searched YouTube for this video I loved to watch on VHS as a child, “Donald Duck in Mathmagic Land” and wow, it kinda blew my mind just how deeply this little half hour of cartoon imprinted upon my mind way back when.  I mean, the connection between music & math, the golden ratio, the way Donald wants to jam when he sees the musicians, and most ironically the inclusion of the Parthenon, aka the Acropolis which is the name of my band.  There’s so much in here that’s woven itself into the fabric of who I am today that it’s kinda eerie.  It goes to show how the right influence at a fork in the road can really stick with a person.


    This cartoon is actually part of a larger “Adventure in Color” program originally made in 1961 (wow!) but the video above is just the part that spoke to me personally.

    My YouTube channel and favorite recent video

    2017 - 07.02

    As reminder, check out my YouTube channel for lots more quality Electric Trumpet content!  Here’s the jam of 2017 so far that’s had the most replay value for me personally, a stretched out version of the Herb Alpert classic “Rise” which has great pacing and grooves: