It’s been about a year, time for another update on the electric trumpet pedalboard.
Here’s the current effects chain (photo from Breakfast 8):
Boss OC-2 octave
Eventide Pitchfactor
Source Audio SA143 bass envelope
Morley Power Wah
Dr. Scientist BitQuest (rental)
Damage Control Liquid Blues
Moog Minifooger Ring Modulator**
Saturnworks A/B splitter
A chain:
Maestro PH-1 Phaser
Moog Bass MuRF
TC Electronic Flashback delay
Source Audio Lunar Phaser**
B chain:
TC Electronic Mimiq Doubler (rental)
Damage Control Glass Nexus
Strymon BigSky Reverberator**
Strymon Mobius Modulation (rental)
** denotes a new permanent addition. The BigSky Reverberator is quite magnificent and deserves its own post. Lunar Phaser was so good I did end up buying one and it’s given me some great moments. BitQuest is also a super unique pedal although I have struggled to make it sing since it’s control scheme is tough to dial in on the fly.