So I’m in a band and it’s called “100% Juice” and I think it’s preaaatty cool. If you like improvised, funky music or electrified horns, I think this is worth your listening time. I will post more as we create more.
[soundcloud url=”″ params=”auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false&visual=true” width=”100%” height=”600″ iframe=”true” /]
So far there are 5 tracks up on our Soundcloud although we’ve been playing for over a year now. We’re selective like that? The track “Freeze Pop” was recorded using a multi-track interface, the Tascam US-2000. I’m quite jazzed about the prospects of using this thing to make progressively better and better recordings of the music we’ve been making.
I will also mention here that if you REALLY like it, there is a continuously rotating directory which hosts our latest and greatest jams in long form, unabridged format, accessible as zip files. These are also the high-fidelity, sonically-best way of listening to us. You will hear a clear difference versus the streaming version. These can be found here: